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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Bucket Orchid (Coryanthes macrantha) Flower #2 from plant #2.

 Photo taken on 12th August with flower #1.

 Photo taken on 12th August against my palm.

 Photo taken on 15th Augtust.

 Side view of the flowers.

 Side view of the flower.

 Rear view of the flowers.

 Right flower.

 Left flower.
 Plan view.

Nectar - very sorry no bees to pollinate the flowers.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, my name is Gustavo A. and I am looking for this orchid in specific. I would really ask to you if you can help me a little to get some of this orchids. You have a beautiful plants and a really nice photos. My gmail is
    Thank You!
