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Monday, August 15, 2011

August 2011 Part 3.

A couple more more flowers to share.

Paph ang-thong alba 5107-7:
This is the plant from previous posting but with the second flower. Somehow the shape of the second flower is more symmetrical but slightly smaller than the first flower.

Paph godefroyae fma leucochilum 5009-11.
An rather small flower as compared to its siblings. Flower has burgundy streaking markings over light cream base. The pouch is round and plum. The NS and DS measure 50 and 44 mm respectively.

Monday, August 8, 2011

August 2011 Part 2.

Paph Fumi's Gold 3520-1:
A beautiful hybrid made by a Japanese from two yellow parents and registered in 1991. Namely, Paph armeniacum and Paph concolor. The flower and leaves take the shape of Paph armeniacum. Fine purple spots over the yellow base. The longest leaf span is below 60 mm versus NS of the flower which is 68 mm across. No doubt the flower is larger that the leaves but this flower is able to stand alone without any stalking.

Paph ang-thong alba 5107:
A plant that was grown from flask. The stalk carries 2 flowers with another of it hiding behind the bloom.
This natural hybrid was originally found on the Ang-thong Islands off the east coast of peninsular Thailand. There is much controversy on this hybrid. Some taxonomist named it under niveum var. ang-thong. In the RHS register it is treated as godefroyae var. ang-thong.
The man made hybrid between godefroyae and niveum is listed as Paph Greyi.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

August 2011 Part 1.


Here are some flowers from August to share.

A selection of godefroyae leucochilum flowers removed from the plants.

Paph godefroyae fma leucochilum AP68-3.
This is the third to bloom from flask. A large flower with marking across the whole round flower. Burgundy streaking markings over light cream base The NS and DS measure 85 and 50 mm respectively.

Paph godefroyae fma leucochilum 3559-7.
A fairly large flower with burgundy streaking markings over light cream base with nice and spotless pouch. The NS and DS measure 80 and 45 mm respectively.

Paph godefroyae fma leucochilum 184-4:
This is the second bloom from this plant. The NS and DS measure 60 and 40 mm respectively.