Pps. serpentilingua
Cattleya King of Taiwan.
A Paph that was exhibited as
Paph barbatum. The validity of this plant is in question.
Bc (Brassavola x Cattleya) Morning Glory:
White flowers with some lavender suffusion. The trumpet shaped white lips are heavily veined lavender.
Phal Permata Rosmah Mansor:
A hybrid that was registered in 2010. This genetic composition of this hybrid consists of P. violacea, P. ambionensis, P. fasciata, P. lueddemanniana and P. gigantea. Two flowers and two buds from a single inflorescence. Reddish brown across the sepals and petals.
Den Stardust
Den Burana x Den Thai Jewel:
A beautiful hybrid from a single inflorescence with 13 flowers and 3 buds neatly arranged. This hybrid takes more towards Den Burana.
Renanthera angustifolia.
Renanthera angustifolia (syn Ren matutina) a species that can be found in Malaysia, Philippines parts of Indonesia. Over 30 flowers and 15 buds on a single inflorescence. Salmon coloured flowers with fuchsia red velvety markings on all segments Li red-orange with yellow side lobes. This plant came in overall first for the month.
Rossioglossum (Oncidium) ampliatum:
A species that can be found is most parts of Central America. This widely distributed orchids grows on trees. The total flowers from the two inflorescence is well over 50. Petals and sepals are canary yellow sepals with chocolate bars on the bases.
Vanda lamellata:
A very common species that is found in the Philippines. This sun loving, epiphytic and lithophytic species orchid is commonly found in the Philippines as well as in Borneo and Taiwan. 15 flowers and 6 buds from a single inflorescence. Flowers creamy white, dorsal sepal with brown blotch, lateral sepals heavily overlaid with reddish brown, red-brown streaking on the lower petals.
Phal cornu-cervi:
A widespread species that can be found from NE India through S.E.Asia.
Bulb auratum:
A miniature plant carrying 9 flowers of typical Cirrhopetalum shape, colour clear and bright yellow.
Bulb lobbii:
A large plant with many flowers in various stages of opening.
Milt Bert Fields:
Four flowers from a single inflorescence. Petals and sepals purple with light pink rose blotches
Gongora unknown.
Cymbidium unknown.