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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

OSSEA January 2012 Table Display

A Happy New Year to all fellow Slipper orchid growers. Here are some of the slipper orchids that were brought to the OSSEA Monthly Table Display.

Paph lowii:

A species that has one of the widest ranges for Paphiopedilum orchids. Range stretches from Borneo to Malaysia Peninsula, Celebes, Sumatra and Java. It can be found growing epiphytically on tress in thick mosses or leaf humus or it lithophytic in mosses or humus filled pockets on rocks. A large plant with multi floral scapes.

The plant exhibited has a single long Inflorescence, 3 Flowers and 1 bud. Dorsal sepal yellow-green, flushed and veined, center blushed grey-purple. Petal has large spots. Pouch grey-yellow.

Paph tonsum:

An intermediate species that is found growing on limestone cliff cracks filled with leaf litter. They are found in Sumatra at an elevation of 1000 to 1800 meters. The area is subjected to frequent rains from summer to fall and heavy rains from winter to spring.

One symmetrical flower on one inflorescence; sepals light green, veined darker green and purple; petals light green overlaid and veined tan, spotted dark brown, spots surrounded by prominent halos; pouch light green overlaid and veined tan and texture is glossy.

Paph dayanum:

An intermediate to warm growing species that is found in Mt Kinabalu at an elevation of between 300 to 1500 meters.

One well-carried flower, upright inflorescences borne on a robust plant with 4 growths; sepal white, veined green; petals have shading bronze green centrally, becoming pale rose distally, veined green throughout; pouch is overlaid pale brown and veined.

Paph armeniacum:

Paphiopedilum armeniacum is also commonly called the Golden Slipper Orchid. It is also one of the three yellow colour paphs. The plant size is small compared to other paphiopedilum species. Paphiopedilum armeniacum is found in South West China at elevations between 1000 to 2000 meters. It grows on limestone cliffs and slopes. Growers normally keep this plant in baskets since rhizomes produce growths away from mother plant.

Single golden yellow flower on long stem, with good waxy substance and sheen. Pouch very round and bulbous. There is a slight twist at the top of the dorsal sepal.

Paph Grehang:

A hybrid between Paph Greyi (godefroyae x niveum) and godefroyae. One well-balanced flower; sepals and petals yellow, almost three-quarters veined with maroon tessellation; pouch deeper golden yellow; flat petals.

Paph Mint Chocolate:

A primary hybrid between Paph malipoense and godefroyae. One full flower on a single inflorescence; sepals and petals pale mint green heavily overlaid with fine maroon spots; fat pouch evenly pale mint green; column pale mint green with almost solid maroon veins.

Paph Kiryu:

A primary hybrid between Paph armeniacum and godefroyae. One well-balanced flower; sepals and petals yellow, almost three-quarters sprinkled with maroon spots; pouch deeper golden yellow; flat petals.

Phrag Jason Fischer:

A beautiful hybrid between Phrag Memoria Dick Clements and Phrag besseae. One striking crimson flower and one bud on a sturdy, erect inflorescence; pouch overlaid with crimson and rim interior buttery yellow.

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