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Saturday, December 13, 2014

OSSEA Monthly Table Display - Dec 2014

Paph Chou-Yi Anigode (Paph anitum x Paph godefroyae)

 Paph Chou-Yi Anigode (Paph anitum x Paph godefroyae)

 Aranda Sheryn-Kaye von Senden

 Cymbidium  Pakkret Muffin.

Cycnodes Jumbo Mickey

 Phal. (Dragon Tree Eagle x Sogo Kauilani) x Phal bellina.

 Cochlioda  Louis Posey.

 Phalaenopsis bellina

 Dendrobium Seah Poh Eng

Stelis  nexipous

Monday, December 8, 2014

Paph Chou-yi Anigode

Paph Chou-yi Anigode - A primary hybrid between  Paph anitum and Paph godefroyae. The hybrid was registered  in 2006 and was made by Chou-yi Nursery of Taiwan.
A lovely hybrid  which has the traits of both parents. The dark burgundy colour from Paph anitum and tessellation from Paph  godefroyae.
A large flower with NS and DS of 14 cm and 5.5 cm respectively.
The sheer size of the flower against my palm.