Paph niveum (rchb.f.) Stein.
It is one of the few pretty slipper orchids species which is found not very far from us. The distribution range for this species is from Southern Peninsular Thailand to the Northern peninsular Malaysia.
It grows from 30 to about 300 feet, in moss filled cracks on limestone rocks. This is an easy to grow species and very suitable to grow them at window sill. Normally it produces one to two flowers and 3 flowers are not uncommon. Flowers are crystalline-white and dotted with small purple dots. Flowers last between 4 to 8 weeks.
Artificially propagated line-bred plants are easily available in the market. From the selective line-breeding, large and round flowers are produced. The award winning plant was grown from flask. It takes between 2 to 3 years to flower from flask.